There are literally millions of color combinations for your interior color scheme. You can rely on our professional interior decor experts’ suggestions, or make up your own color palette from the sources.The easiest way is to choose a color palette is from our interior designer’s Professional Selections. Click a link below and an Adobe Acrobat file will pop open.
The easy way to great looking interiors!
Every LifeLine vehicle owner can select from these three color groups.
These colors are available if your Features listing under Cabinets is listed as ‘deluxe upgrade.’
This method is more difficult and time consuming than the one above.Begin the process of choosing your own interior design selections by opening a copy of our decor selection form Open Form. Next, compare the list of items below with your LifeLine “Features” listing. Some or all of these items are available in different colors, fabrics and vinyls.When you’re ready, click each eligible category and the color selections will fly out for you to pick and record on your Acrobat form.
Over each window (except the entry door), we place a “valance” which is a cover panel to hide the pull-down window blind mechanisms.
The valances can be painted to match the wall at no charge. But if you want them specially painted, or covered with fabric, extra charges apply. See your Features list for details.
If you want a fabric wrap, select the fabric under Item 14, “Fabric Choices” on this page.
Click on a photo below to see a painted and fabric-covered valance.
Click on the subject title that interests you, and we’ll show you a few floor plans. You can download any that you like. Then, call our representative so that we can help you develop your own customized LifeLine Mobile unit floor plan, complete with details and pricing.
After you see the plans, click “Esc” to get back here. To go back to our home page, click the logo above.
Click on the image of the page, and the full-sized guidance sheet will open in a separate window of your web browser. If you want to keep the guidance material, select “File” and “Save” and you can have an Adobe Acrobat* version on your computer.
*If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat, you can download a free copy at
Some critical things to look for when buying a new mobile unit.
Sample job descriptions for staff that may be included in your program
Some tips on budget categories and costs for your new LifeLine mobile unit.
Some information about titling your new LifeLine Mobile unit, and what to expect on delivery day.
Here’s a start toward your own business plan. Cut and paste to suit. Contact us for this document in word processing format.
How to protect the investment in your mobile unit operation by conducting proper maintenance.
14 eco-friendly benefits explaining how your new LifeLine Mobile unit goes easy on the environment.
For the first two years that you own your LifeLine Mobile unit, everything is covered. Details are included on this two-page fact sheet.
A garage for your LifeLine Mobile unit isn’t a necessity, but if you’re thinking about one, here are some helpful planning hints.
Two pages of information about installing your building receptacles.
Click here to open a booklet filled with graphics planning hints and 10 pages of samples.
Mobile Medical Unit Mobile Dental Van Mammogram Mobile Mobile Simulation Lab Blood Mobiles Mobile Medical Labs
Entire contents ©1996-2025 LifeLine Mobile, Inc. • All rights reserved • LifeLineMobile® is a registered trademark
Keep this tab open in order to key in your choices. When you’ve finished, push the “Send” button at the bottom of this form.